Wednesday 22 April 2015

S.H.A.P.E. Your Guitar Playing

We experience music as spiritual or metaphysical element
 that transcends the mere natural world. It's a common gift to all
mankind of uncommon power on our souls.
Our hearts are pulled towards enjoyment and participation
 of making music as recreation or vocation. 
We take practical steps to improve, expand and strengthen
our abilities by study, practice and perseverance.
A musical identity, style or sound develops.
An emotive and dynamically quality
add vitality to the musical performance. 

Many guitar players and students never seem to S.H.A.P.E. their playing into something
 unique, special or dynamic. They remain happy with having what I would call a "S.H.A." 
and stopping at the ability part of the "S.H.A.P.E." an acronym" and never finding a style 
or dynamic to their playing. A culinary example of this would be like forgetting to add the yeast
to the dough - everything then tends to come out flat. 

To journey through music being a beautiful gift, (spirit) to dreaming of playing, (heart) and then on to participation (ability) is a good thing, but music is a dynamic and subtle language in need of added elements to communicate the spectrum of sounds and rhythms necessary for a meaningful interaction.

In plainer words: we love bands like U2 for their unique style and sound (personality) and the way their concerts excite the listener in a screaming, fist-pumping, dancing state of euphoria (emotion).

The solution for a musician is to go beyond a S.H.A. by adding some personality and emotive qualities to what they do on their instruments. You can start this by trying to add some unique or quirky qualities you see in some of your favourite artists, and by emoting some of the lyrical or dynamic content of the song in the way you strike or pluck the strings; bending your thoughts toward these things as you play will alter the music even without feeling much of a tangible difference. 

Friday 3 April 2015

5 Tips for Beginner Guitar Players

One: "Do or Do Not; there is no TRY" (Quote - Yoda)

For Jedi warriors and guitar players alike this is an essential idea throughout your entire life as you fight the forces of the dark side or just the forces of your own lack of confidence. You will learn most of what you need to be a player just in the simple act of doing.

Two: "To climb steep hills requires a slow pace at first" (Quote - William Shakespeare)

Patience with persistence is the right combination for this essential idea, and whether it's 'To be, or not to be" will depend on just taking things as they come. Each individual connects the dots at different times, and rushing and cutting corners will not get you to your destination any quicker.

Three: "The main thing to do is relax and let your talent do the work" (Quote - Charles Barkley)

Tension is always an obstacle to efficient motion and mental acuity, so relax and enjoy the process of becoming a guitarist and appreciate the gift of being able to play and make music.

Four: "Never lose a holy curiosity" (Quote - Albert Einstein)

Be curious in discovering things about music, sounds, different approaches to technique and the things that make great guitarist great. Be a curious student of the whole of music.

Five: "It's not having what you want but wanting what you have" (Quote - Sheryl Crow)

Enjoy the simplicity of making music. Just you and your guitar will create timeless moments that will be like 'vitamins' for the soul. Don't look outside the resources at hand for some sort of special inspiration or magical prescription for success.